Media Service Turns Ideas Into Reality with L-Acoustics Media Service Turns Ideas Into Reality with L-Acoustics...
One of Poland’s most dynamic companies future proofs its sound system with Syva
SOKOLOW, POLAND – May 2020 – Founded in 2012, Media Service is one of the most dynamically developing companies in Poland’s event technology market, facilitating medium to large-scale corporate events by delivering professional sound, lighting, and multimedia, as well as stage decoration and construction services. Whilst still relatively young, the company has been able to solidify its strong position in the industry and earn the trust of its customers thanks to a skilled team and first-class product portfolio, which includes Syva loudspeaker system among other sound products from L-Acoustics.
Bartosz Kordas, the founder and CEO at Media Service, explains how the company has managed to achieve such impressive results. “Our story began with the purchase of an L-Acoustics sound system back in 2012,” says Kordas. “I have always had a passion for collecting high-quality AV equipment, and this has steadily translated into acquiring lighting, multimedia and, most recently, stage decoration solutions. As is usually the case, the first steps were difficult and slightly uncertain, but each subsequent step seemed to be easier and naturally complemented the range of services we offered.”
Now in its eighth year, the Media Service team consists of 60 individuals, among them Karolina Piątek and Tomasz Stykowski, who are both part of the management board. The company has a large 1500m2 warehouse (including 750m2 for Studio 360º equipped with L-Acoustics’ 5XT and X8 speakers), full of top quality products, as well as an office in Sokołów near Warsaw, a service center, a studio and, most crucially, its team of highly skilled specialists.
Whilst making its purchasing decisions, the team had to choose their equipment carefully in order to stay competitive. “I knew from the very beginning that we could not afford to experiment,” states Kordas. “Before founding Media Service, I was working as a technician using some of the best equipment available on the market. So when it came to acquiring products for my own company, I knew that choosing future-proof, high-quality solutions would pay dividends in the long run.”
As far as sound is concerned, the team has placed its trust in proven solutions from L-Acoustics. “The L-Acoustics brand has accompanied us from the very beginning, so the choice of further system components or specific system solutions has been very natural and clear to us,” continues Kordas. “I personally know the audio market really well and, as a company owner, the most important aspect for me has always been business efficiency. L-Acoustics systems give us a lot of freedom, and I don’t just mean that in terms of sound quality or technical specs – they give us the freedom to win orders. With customers who know what they want, the brand name L-Acoustics just seals the deal.”
Media Service is now the proud owner of L-Acoustics Syva, X Series and A Series, offering the team the flexibility they need when it comes to managing events of various sizes. “For example, A Series is a solution that we use for events from different cross-sections,” shares Kordas. “Outdoor work is rare for us outside the holiday season, so we needed a system that would be as universal as possible, one that could be applied to many types of exhibition halls and hotel rooms, since about 80-90 percent of our orders are indoor events.”
Media Service’s portfolio is both impressive and varied, including a spectacular boxing tournament, new airline route announcement, a number of Google conferences as well as many other large and medium-scale events.
“For the team, the biggest advantage of A Series has been its ease of use as well as incredible flexibility in hanging and ground stacking the system, both in vertical and horizontal configurations,” Kordas adds. “It’s one on the most universal system in the world, built without compromise. There are other great products on the market, but none of them speak quality as much as A Series does.”
With over 70 percent of projects taking place in Warsaw, having the official L-Acoustics Polish distributor, Audio Plus, also based in the capital means the team can get technical advice and practical support whenever necessary.
“In situations where we need to deploy a larger system, we can always count on Audio Plus. Recently, we tested the phenomenal L-Acoustics P1 processor and another time the new A Series A15, and we absolutely loved both solutions,” says Kordas. “It would have been a dream come true to have all these products in our stock, but it’s simply not possible to build a working model that meets the needs of the entire market all year round. Our corporate profile does not necessarily require investment in the largest systems, which means that we can invest in the most versatile models, borrowing what we do not have from Audio Plus.”
L-Acoustics Sales Manager, Florain Kunz concurs, explains that Audio Plus always goes the extra mile, and thanks their forward-thinking culture, the sales transaction is just the beginning of the relationship. “They follow up with 360° support to their clients and I’m proud of the quality work that they do in the Polish market,” he says. “It’s no surprise that companies like Media Service look at their relationship with Audio Plus as more than just access to quality product, but also a key component of their own success.”
The success and growth that Media Service has nurtured in the corporate events market is in no small part due to the aesthetics of their Syva stock, which, as Kordas explains, “work non-stop and are probably the most common system we use – Syva doesn’t actually go back to the warehouse,” he exclaims. “Aesthetics gives Syva an advantage over all other sound systems that are on the market today. No other system offers the flexibility and efficiency of Syva.”
With eight years of experience using L-Acoustics, Kordas feels that there are no limitations to what Media Service can deliver sound-wise. “We always have new challenges presented to us by our customers,” he concludes. “But with the right amount of time we are able to take any idea and make it reality.”
Media Service deploys L-Acoustics A Series at sage summit 2019 in Poland.Media Service deploys L-Acoustics A Series at sage summit 2019 in Poland. Arrays of four L-Acoustics A15 were hung either side of the sage summit stage. Arrays of four L-Acoustics A15 were hung either side of the sage summit stage.
Bartosz Kordas, Media Service founder and CEO.